How to internationally protect your trade mark through the Madrid system?

Guide developed in collaboration with De Tullio & Partners in April 2020
Workshop – Intellectual Property as a Strategic Asset for SMEs and Start-ups

L’avvocato Elio De Tullio ha partecipato come speaker ad un Workshop organizzato dal WIPO (Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà intellettuale) e dall’UIBM (Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi) sul tema “Proprietà intellettuale quale asset strategico per le piccole medie imprese e le start-up”, illustrando la tutela dei segreti industriali e del know-how aziendale. Organized by the World […]

Realizzato e finanziato nell’ambito della collaborazione tral’Ufficio dell’Unione Europea per la Proprietà Intellettuale (EUIPO) e l’Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi (UIBM)
Policy Dialogue on Fighting Online Counterfeiting

Last July 10 the “Policy Dialogue on Fighting Online Counterfeiting” organized by INTA, UIBM and INDICAM was held in Milan. During the Panel “Platform Perspectives” moderated by Elio De Tullio as INTA representative, legal and brand protection experts from Amazon, Alibaba, Yoox and Netcomm have discussed about what is working, what is not working, what […]
First meeting of the IP Commission of ICC Italy

What is the expected timeline of the proceeding pending before the German Constitutional Federal Court against the ratification of the Unified Patent Court Act and which are the possible scenarios? Are there developments related to the FTA that the EU is negotiating with China and Japan, in particular in connection with the GIs chapters? Do […]
Inta Daily News, 140th Annual Meeting Seattle

A #GeographicalIndication refers to different tastes, cultures, and traditions. “It’s a journey that we do when we go to dinner.” Inta Daily News, 140th Annual Meeting Seattle, read the full article here “GIs: The Journey we Do at Dinner (p. 12)”
INSME Annual Meeting 2018

Eccoci di ritorno dall’#INSME Annual Meeting, tenutosi a #Bruxelles lo scorso 14 Maggio. Un’occasione importante per parlare delle nuove sfide…
Come rendere redditizi i risultati della tua innovazione

Eccoci in una conferenza dedicata alla #ProprietàIntellettuale nel Sud-est Asiatico e in Cina nell’ambito del seminario “Come rendere redditizi i risultati della tua innovazione” a Ciudad Real e Talavera de las Reina (Spagna).
Working Groups of EU Observatory on IPR Infringements of EUIPO

In Bruxelles attending the Working Groups of EU Observatory on IPR Infringements of EUIPO as INTA (International Trademark Association) representative.Interesting presentations on RAPEX – Rapid Alert System for non-food dangerous goods by EC and online infringements by the Spanish Police. The EU Observatory is doing a great job on developing IT tools, like Enforcement Database […]

European Union Intellectual Property Office DOWNLOAD